NOMAS / 20
It is an island that produces art, poetry, olive oil, goat cheese (called halloumi) and people with a brave gaze. A crossroads between East and West, Cyprus remains the place where Aphrodite once bathed in its waters, letting some of her beauty fall upon the island. Divided in two, like a stab wound, it has a free passage for those with the conscience of a tourist, a historian or a free spirit that recognizes no borders - because all borders have been imposed by force.
NOMAS Cyprus "is an Ark of the best elements we found on this island and kept", as we wrote. A tribute to the soul of
Cyprus. When you hold it in your hands you will hear the song of an island whose voice rises from the depths of the centuries and the ocean.
NOMAS magazine is a biannual edition for the wanderers of this world.
Walking the city streets or roaming the country side, NOMAS gazes at people and places with the curiosity, the joy and the longing of a Nomad, the desire to belong, even for a while, to another culture.
NOMAS explores a different destination in every issue. The magazine’s editors and photographers dive into local life: Art, fashion, food culture, famous and everyday people, everything that makes a place unique in an ever-changing wor