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Printing Fashion | Sexuality and Erotic Aesthetics

Don’t miss Printing Fashion 6th edition

28 & 29.03.2024 online & Parsons Paris

RR moderates the talk "Sexuality and Erotic Aesthetics"

Friday 29th March 2.45 - 3.30 pm

The Festival creates a space for discussing the trajectory and evolution of printed media and the fashion of printed publication today, featuring key contributors in the field. Through debates, lectures and conversations, this year we will explore the concept of ‘Desire’. Our guests will survey this idea in connection with various aspects: the aspirational value of images and image-making, the commodification of bodies and the problem of representation in fashion media, the relation between sexuality, fashion and printed media, the increasing desire and fashionability of working in creative industries, the appeals of activism and political discourses in popular media and finally the increasing allure of fashion brand archives.

To attend the event, please register using this link

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