Each week a special guest will share with us the three magazines that have meant the most to him.
This week is the turn of Francesco Tenaglia, art critic and curator.
#1 / Topolino
"Of course, one of the first periodicals with which I measured myself in all senses (there was the children's fashion of taking pictures next to a stack of the comics and sending it to the publisher). Extraordinary stories: one — by the Barosso brothers — inspired an exhibition I organized last year in Los Angeles. For the occasion I read several biographies of Walt, a novel character."
#2 / i-D
"I especially remember the Matthew Collin's i-d: music, clothes and faces of the most beautiful London from the 1960s. The Face was an explosion of creativity, but i-d amused with its almost martial dedication, like a samurai, in transforming micro-trends of a handful of neighborhoods into cases of absolute global relevance."
#3 / Popeye
"Born in 1976, I met it in the late 90s: together with its cousin "Brutus" and "Studio Voice" it is among the first magazines that come to mind when I think of Japan. Even today: try to visit their Instagram profile and tell me if you don't want to move into their world."